Saturday, February 20, 2016

Book Review-Arm Candy

Arm Candy by Christopher Gaida
Brace yourselves because this is going to be a detailed review (that's translation for a long review) but trust me this is worth your time. I'm going to start with the title Arm Candy: A Celebrity Escort's Tales from the Red Carpet. I don't think the title does the book justice and I'll tell you why. After reading the book the first and second time and after meeting Chris, this book is so much more than tales from the Red Carpet. This is not just a man giving secrets about the ins and outs of Hollywood from a backstage point of view. This is not a "psst...psst...I have an exclusive expose on Hollywood secrets." This is a unique look at the reality of Hollywood. It is the story of man who took a chance, a leap of faith if you will, and found his niche. He took advantage of an opportunity that opened many doors for him but also allowed him to meet extraordinary individuals who would otherwise be out of his reach.
In Arm Candy, Chris gives us insight into what a celebrity escort is, taking us out of our initial perversion of the word "escort" and setting us on the right path of what the job entails. What I love about this book is Chris's approach to sharing his story. He includes a whole chapter of special Hollywood terms going into full detail of their meaning and how they are used. He does say we can skip over the chapter but if you're interested in broadcasting, film, television, etc. you will pay close attention to this chapter. I did learn some new terms such as "craft service" and "what's your twenty?" Not sure what that means? You have to read the book.
I also give him props for doing the job because I know with my memory and how I can drift sometimes, I would be fired within the first few minutes. When he describes how he felt when he saw LeeAnn Rimes's boyfriend checking out other ladies while she was being interviewed and how he wanted to protect LeeAnn, you can truly feel that sense of duty. I felt that was a power moment to share because it was such an "ah-ha" moment of confirmation that he is where he is supposed to be, in the field he's meant to be in. That moment, I feel, was also a foreshadowing of how far he would rise in the business. He became a valued and desired escort because he took his job seriously. He wasn't there for him. He was there for the talent he was assigned to. He was there for the shows he worked, the crew for those specific shows. When you think about it, no one wants to be around someone that is constantly gushing over them when their job is to pay attention to detail and to take care of the talent. It reminds me of when I met Chris at his Barnes & Noble signing here in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. My friend Marisol was with me and the difference between us when we were talking to him really shined through. Initially I thought I was going to react like her because I was fascinated by Hollywood and got starstruck quite often however I surprised myself. "Oh my god you met Whitney Houston? I love her! Did you meet Taio Cruz? I love him! I would just die if I met him!" That was her reaction. I'm not saying it was a bad reaction. She got excited, as anyone would, hearing that he escorted this celebrity or that celebrity. I took on the professional side asking things like "Do you have a favorite celebrity that you escorted? What part of Pennsylvania are you from? How did you come to be in LA? How did you start?" The difference between my friend and I just amazed me that night. He told me how he was a cancer survivor and we discussed that as well as Relay for Life. I had a very enriching conversation with him and when I read the book it was like we were having another conversation but there are no questions. I was reading his story.
I can tell you that Chris's tone in the book is how he really is. He is very encouraging and open. He is truly one of the nicest people I've met and I do hope to have more conversations with him.
Back to the book, Chris focuses chapters on particular celebrities, one of my favorite chapters being on Julia Roberts. He's right. Seeing them on television or in film and then meeting them in person are two separate personas. However Julia sounds as gracious as she appears on television. One that did not surprise me at all was his discussion on Diana Ross. Granted we do obtain preconceived notions of a celebrity's personality by how they carry themselves from what we see on television but her behavior did not surprise me. True diva form in every way from what I read but Donna Summer, the complete opposite. It's important to remember to remain humble in the industry because you give yourself a bad reputation and you will begin to fade into the background. Sandra Bullock is one of my favorite actresses and she's one celebrity I wouldn't mind meeting. Her reputation precedes her it sounds like. She sounds like she is exactly as she appears and I was happy to hear that.
I don't want to give away too much but I also want to highlight his stories about Susan Lucci and Rosie O'Donnell because within those stories, Chris touches upon how cancer affected his life when he was diagnosed with it and when his mother was diagnosed. These individuals are fantastic and unbelievable, not that there was any doubt but I was amazed to hear how incredibly kind and heartwarming they actually are.
Chris is also sure to encourage each of us to go after our dreams. I'd like to share a great example of Chris's heart. I was going through a rough time with my ex and took time to walk around my apartment complex to clear my head. I don't remember the whole conversation we had but I know it had to do with the walking because it made me feel good in my time of depression. I told Chris I wasn't walking on a particular day and when he asked me why, I said it was because it was raining hard and I will never forget his response to me. Now this isn't word for word but it was along the lines of, "so? it's just rain. just do it" type response. I was taken back because no one ever responded to me like that but I now take it metaphorically too. Chris knew that walking made me feel good about myself and cleared my mind so he was encouraging me to do it and not let a little bit of rain stop me from keeping that routine. Metaphorically I apply it to my career as well. I am about to graduate with a Masters in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. I'm not giving up on my dream and through the words he said to me that day as well as the words of encouragement in his book keeps me going. I've learned to value his opinion. I don't know Chris too well but I do think of him as a friend though we never hung out but we had conversations here and there. This book is a must read for everyone because to me it is so much more than the talent but it's about that underlining message. Chris exhibits great strength in his courage to step outside his comfort zone as to not hold himself back. He has opened himself up to endless possibilities and now I am doing the same. He inspires me both as a friend and as a fellow writer. I have shared this on Facebook and I mean when I say that I am endorsing more than a great book but also a great individual. If you haven't done so, order this book now. It will change your life in more ways than one.
To Chris,
Thank you for sharing your story and just being you. I always wish you the best in all your present and future endeavors. Thank you for being a great inspiration and reminding us that our dreams can be our reality. We just need to take that leap of faith. Here's to many more conversations.

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